S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Fasting: A greatest natural therapy Vineeta and Dr. Geetika Shukla Pages: 270-271 | 727 Views 230 Downloads | India |
2 | Enrichment of sattu products by using nutrient rich powders Nida Fatma, Mamta Jaiswal, Kiran Agrahari and Archana Singh Pages: 272-276 | 2463 Views 1869 Downloads | India |
3 | Capacity building in managerial ability among youth Pooja Saxena and Dr. Geetika Shukla Pages: 277-279 | 845 Views 193 Downloads | India |
4 | A study on consequences and prevalence of anemia among college going girls (18-22Years) of Sultanpur city Priya pandey, Archana Singh, Mamta Jaiswal and Kiran Agrahari Pages: 280-286 | 757 Views 124 Downloads | India |
5 | Standardization and development of oats based product Richa Tiwari, Archana Singh, Dr. Mamta Jaiswal and Kiran Agrahari Pages: 287-290 | 1068 Views 443 Downloads | India |
6 | Creation of consumer awareness on care of textiles Dr. Kanikicherla Rani Pages: 291-296 | 700 Views 147 Downloads | India |
7 | Seasonal and gender differences in Vitamin D status among the obese adolescents: A prospective study Sathya G, Raji V Sugumar and Ramesh R Pages: 297-300 | 977 Views 265 Downloads | India |
8 | Internet usage of college going students K Sudha Rani and Dr. K Anuradha Pages: 301-303 | 695 Views 194 Downloads | India |
9 | Development, analysis and standardization of ready – to - cook horse gram idly mix powder S. Mathangi Sudarsan and S. Geethanjali Santhanam Pages: 304-308 | 1082 Views 452 Downloads | India |
10 | A study on the enzymatic degumming on silk fabric using Carica papaya skin Kasireddy Lakshmi Devi and A. Priyadarshini Pages: 309-311 | 1704 Views 285 Downloads | India |