2016, VOL. 2 ISSUE 3, PART B
Abstract:When we think of values, we think of what is important to us in our lives e.g. security, independence, wisdom, success, kindness, and pleasure etc. Each of us holds numerous values with varying degrees of importance. A particular value may be very important to one person, but unimportant to another. The importance of human values is seen right from the childhood of a person. Preschool is the first stage or period that lays the foundation of information on human values. Because information about the values of life is a continuous process found in the society. However, the first information not only gains in earlier period that begin and end in the period to adolescence but also continues personality. From now on, there can be changes on these values, but basic values have been developed. Changing child’s wrong behavior is more difficult than trying to develop a new behavior. It is critical to develop the child’s personality in a planned and systematic process in order to prevent the wrong development of values education. There are different factors which affect human values in the life of an individual and the society. Values are generally loaded with affective thoughts about ideas, objects, behavior etc.
rnIn the present paper an attempt has been made to explain the various values and goals pertaining to Indian culture.