International Journal of Home Science
2016, VOL. 2 ISSUE 1, PART E
A study on the acceptability of functional whole wheat bread fortified with mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) powder and whey protein isolates amongst gym goers (23-27 years)
Author(s): Kulsum Khan, Sweata Rani Rai
Background: Whey protein isolatesrnhas been in strong demand with the gym goers for supporting bone density,rnbuilding muscles, boosting the digestibility of certain foods and maintainingrnthe integrity of immune system. Moreover, the consumption pattern of bread hasrnbeen phenomenal in today’s era. Keeping in view unique chemical composition ofrnwhey protein isolates and mushroom, it was incorporated in daily food items.rnMethod: A market survey was conducted on gymrngoers to know their consumption pattern of bread. A protein rich bread wasrnprepared with graded levels of sun-dried mushroom powder (2.5, 5 & 7.5%)rnand whey protein isolates (2.5 & 5%) by replacing whole wheat flour. Effectrnof two ingredients incorporation on the nutritional composition and sensoryrnqualities were evaluated. The bread with more consumer acceptability wasrnanalyzed for physical and chemical parameters like protein, vitamin-D, calcium,rnphosphorus, fat and was compared with standard bread. The microbial status ofrnthe bread was investigated and interpreted in terms of shelf-life.rnResult & Discussion: By consideringrnnutritional and consumer acceptability the bread with 7.5% mushroom powder andrn5% whey protein isolates was the best sample The fortification using wheyrnprotein isolates and sun- dried mushroom powder improved the nutritionalrncomposition of the bread in terms of better amino acid profile and calcium andrnVitamin- D status. These nutrients are of greater significance for musclerndevelopment in the case of gym goers.rnConclusion:Thefunctionalbreadiseffectiveintermsofnutritionalqualityaswellastextureandshelflife.
How to cite this article:
Kulsum Khan, Sweata Rani Rai. A study on the acceptability of functional whole wheat bread fortified with mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) powder and whey protein isolates amongst gym goers (23-27 years). Int J Home Sci 2016;2(1):280-283.